We welcome and encourage you to visit us, and engage in the many activities our congregation offers. Below you will find uplifting, social, activist, and volunteer activities available to you and to each member of our congregation.
– Sundays | Before & During Services
– Weekends | Saturdays
– Weekends | Sunday after Services
– Monthly
– Each Weekday
Sundays | Before & During Services
Worship Service is held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary and on Zoom. Childcare available.
Sunday School – Religious Education (RE) Classes: Our children and youth begin with everyone in the Sunday service. After our “Time for All Ages” in the service, they get sung out to their classrooms.
Our elementary aged children, or SEEKers (Spiritually Engaging and Exploring Kids), learn about other faith traditions and philosophical ideas like kindness and fair play. They usually enjoy a story, craft, or game to help make the information fun!
Our middle and high school YOUUTHPICKS (Young Observant UU Thoughtful Hilarious Playful Interesting Creative Kind Souls) engage in games, conversation, and other activities to connect deeply about various ideas such as Deep Listening and Repair. To learn more – Email: religiouseducation@uucwnc.org
Quest invites you to join a collective journey of the mind and spirit, honoring the Latin word Quaere which means to search, to seek, and to question. It provides a great opportunity to express your thoughts, feelings and questions about a range of topics while getting to know other participants on a deeper level. The group discussion format welcomes participation. Upcoming topics are announced via the Weekly Digest Newsletter and the Quest email list. Join us Sundays 9:15-10:15 A.M. in Dobkin Hall.
Weekends | Saturdays
NYRDs is a group of younger adults and families coming together for fun, food, and community. We typically meet once a month for games and laughter, with childcare provided. We hope to expand to new activities in the near future. NYRDS =’s Not Yet Retired Division! You can find our schedule on the church calendar. To join our mailing list or to learn more – Email: nyrds@uucwnc.org
Our Religious Education programming offers opportunities throughout the year for people of all ages to grow and explore their spirituality and have fun connecting with others. Be sure to check out the church calendar for events like our Mobile Altar Making, Fall Festival, Ornament Making, and more! To learn more – Email: religiouseducation@uucwnc.org.
Weekends | Sunday after Services
Sunday Fellowship Coffee Hour provides a time for members, friends, and visitors to engage with one another on a personal level while enjoying refreshments after each Sunday service. Held in Dobkin Hall.
Soup Sundays, one Sunday each month from October to March, are casual lunch gatherings featuring delicious soups and desserts made by members of the Congregation. (Soup and dessert donations are always appreciated.) Held in Dobkin Hall.
Monthly Open House Gatherings are hosted by members and friends in their home, apartment or HOA recreation room. They are scheduled for the second Sunday of each month, 4-7 p.m. These gatherings provide opportunities for newcomers and members to meet and get to know each other in a relaxed party-like atmosphere while enjoying food and conversation. Those attending bring a dish or beverage to share. Detailed information is distributed at Sunday services and is available in the Weekly Digest and on our Calendar of Activities. Join us! To learn more – Email: openhouse@uucwnc.org
The Book Discussion Group provides participants an opportunity to gather once a month and join in a conversation about a common read. Participants rotate the position of discussion leader. The group meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. and meetings last about 90 minutes. To learn more – Email: bookgroup@uucwnc.org
Chalice Quilters provide lap size quilts to congregants in need. They meet on the second Tuesday of every month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. While this is a service project for our church, the meetings are a lot of fun. People of all levels of sewing and quilting experience, including beginners, are welcome. To learn more – email quilters@uucwnc.org
The Full Moon women’s group meets once a month on the Tuesday nearest the full moon. We welcome women of all ages. The group celebrates the cycles of our lives by observing and learning about Goddesses from many cultures and honors the feminine divine in each of us. Meetings are held in member’s homes which promotes close personal relationships between members. To learn more – email fullmoon@uucwnc.org
The UUCWNC Choir sings a diverse variety of songs one Sunday a month. We welcome you to lift your voice and join our choir! Weekly rehearsals are on Wednesdays 6:45-8:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary, from the first week in September through mid-June. To learn more – Email: choirdirector@uucwnc.org.
Poetry Readers Group meets by zoom once a month – the third Thursday of the month from 2:00-3:30. Participants submit their selected poems (usually work by others but our own work is welcomed as well). We read our selection, share what drew us to it, and engage with others about their views on the work. To learn more – Email: poetry@uucwnc.org
ROMEOS (Retired Older Men Eating Out) gather for a casual lunch and conversation every other Thursday at 11:30 a.m. The ROMEOs have no agenda and no predefined topic of discussion. We talk about the current state of things and “solve” a few world problems over lunch. For restaurant & meeting information, or To learn more – Email: romeos@uucwnc.org
JUULIET (Just Unitarian Universalist Ladies Interested in Eating Together) gathers for lunch, to build and support women’s friendships and to provide an easy to access and always-available social network for women new to the Congregation. The JUULIETs meet on the last Friday of the month with some adjustments around holidays. They also meet for other activities on various dates as scheduled. To learn more – Email: juuliets@uucwnc.org
Mah Jongg meets Friday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. in Dobkin Hall. The Mah Jongg group brings together people who enjoy the game and would like an organized group to play with on a regular basis. This is a friendly game; no money is exchanged. An email is sent out each week and it is important that members respond, as three players are needed to play. Players need an up-to-date Mah Jongg card. To learn more – Email: mahjongg@uucwnc.org Cards are also available from the National Mah Jongg League, Inc.