Serve Within Our Congregation on these Committees or Teams

Community Building

Program Council (PC)

The Program Council consists of leaders from nine of our teams and committees, each of which develop programs for the congregation. The PC is chaired by the Vice President of the Board of Trustees and fosters coordination and communication amongst the teams as their activities, themes, content, and timing may overlap or intersect.

Meeting Times: Meetings are approximately one hour via zoom in the evening.  Smaller work sessions may be added as needed.

Time Commitment: Two meetings in the fall and one in the spring
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Membership & Engagement Team (MET)

The Membership & Engagement Team facilitates involvement of members, friends, and visitors in the life of the Congregation, fostering a sense of belonging and meaningful connections with each other and the UUCWNC community.

Meeting Times:  The second Tuesday of each month from 1:00-2:30 p.m.

Time Commitment: In addition to one monthly meeting, we break into smaller groups to take on projects that require additional meetings and time. Between meetings we stay in contact by email.

For more information email

Generous Life Team (GLT)

The Generous Life Team works to promote the growth of a vibrant culture of generosity that celebrates the giving spirit in all of us, which is what supports our Congregation’s present and future needs. We explore the many ways we can live generously. The GLT works toward that goal by communicating with congregants about the value and importance of generosity, and by managing UUCWNC’s annual pledge drive.

Meeting Times: Weekly or biweekly in the six months leading up to and following pledge drives.

Time Commitment: Members are asked to serve a two-year term.

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Caring Committee

The Caring Committee provides short-term support and assistance to UUCWNC members and friends who are experiencing illness, injury, or crisis. We provide meals and transportation to doctor’s visits, church, and other appointments. We visit those in the hospital, rehabilitation facilities, and hospice, and sometimes do shopping for those recovering at home. We host a reception following Memorial/Celebration of Life Services. Personal information is always held in the strictest confidence.

Meeting Times:  Second Thursday of each month. We conduct most of our activities through email, phone and text.

Time Commitment: Each member serves as chair for a month and spends about 3-5 hours coordinating and delegating activities and tasks to members of the team or other volunteers.

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Pastoral Care Partners (PCP)

PCP serves as an extension of the Minister by providing long term support for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of members of the congregation. We serve congregants by listening to their feelings and offering support to those experiencing grief, illness, disability, relationship changes, relocation concerns, caregiving issues, isolation, trauma and other difficult life situations. We assist you in locating community and professional resources. We do not provide professional counseling or medical, legal or financial services, give advice, judge or make decisions for you.

The minister selects potential committee members and interviews each one to determine their skills, interests and suitability with current members.

If you think you or someone you know could use our support contact Rev. Kelley Wheat-Rivers at

Open House Team

The Open House Team signs up hosts from among UUCWNC members and friends, publicizes these monthly events, and helps the hosts with whatever they need before, during and after the gatherings.

Meeting Times: We attend the monthlyopen houses on the third Sunday of each month from 4:00-7:00 p.m., dividing the events into early and late shifts.

Time Commitment:  In addition to attending open house events, the Open House Team meets in person about once a year. We correspond during the month by email to coordinate events.  Publicity and other responsibilities are divided between team members and generally take no more than an hour a month for each member.
For more information email

Sunday Hospitality Hosts

The Sunday Hospitality Hosts provide a time for members, friends and visitors to engage with one another on a personal level while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea and snacks after Sunday morning service(s). This is a great way to provide a needed service and to get to know your teammates and other members of the Congregation.

Meeting Times: Approximately two hours the Sunday that you are hosting.

Time Commitment: One Sunday every three months (just four times a year!) You’ll be assigned to a team with a captain who sends reminders, provides directions, answers questions, and does “how to” demonstrations, if needed.
For more information email

Soup Sunday Team

March 2023

The Sunday Soup Team provides a communal noontime lunch the second Sunday of the month, from October through March. Donations of soups and desserts from members and friends are always appreciated.

Meeting Times: Set up begins at 9:00 a.m., clean-up is usually completed by 1:00 p.m.  We often work in two-hour shifts which allows us to attend a service. Soup and dessert donors are asked to drop off their donation at 9:00 a.m.

Time Commitment: Approximately two hours a month during our six-month soup season.

For more information email

Teaching and Learning

Sunday School Team

Religious EducationSunday School Team | Lifelong Faith Exploration (Sunday School) classes rely on volunteers to teach our children and teens. No Experience Necessary! Share some spiritual nourishment with children and learn something too! In addition, we welcome volunteers to provide Nursery coverage when needed.

Meeting Times: No scheduled meetings

Time Commitment: Approximately three Sundays each month during the school year.

For more information email Director of Lifelong Faith Exploration at

Quest Presenters

Quest March 2023

Quest Presenters facilitate and lead a discussion on a topic of interest to the congregation. They include members of the QUEST facilitator team, the congregation and wider community. The week before presenters submit a short description of the topic and often provide resource information to review ahead of time. At monthly meetings the facilitator team develops the upcoming schedule of presenters and topics.

Meeting Times: Sundays 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Time Commitment:One hour the day of your presentation plus preparation time.

For more information email


 Board of Trustees (BOT)

Board 2022-2023

Board 2022-2023

The Board of Trustees creates and promotes policy and vision to ensure that resources of the Congregation are effectively and efficiently directed toward achieving the Mission of UUCWNC.  The Board provides the framework and structure under which the teams and committees operate and interact with each other, UUCWNC staff, and the congregation. Board members are nominated by the Nominating Committee and voted on by the congregation at the annual meeting.

The President, Vice-President and Secretary of the Board are selected by vote of the Board members.  Those three, plus the Minister constitute the Executive Board; this group meets by telephone/video conference one week prior to Board meetings to plan and set the agenda. The nine Board members each serve a three-year term; three members rotate off each year and are replaced by three newly elected members.

Meeting Times: At the first meeting of each church year the Board chooses its monthly meeting dates and time.  For the past year the Board has met on the third Tuesday of each month, most recently from 5:15-7:15 p.m.

Time Commitment: In addition to monthly Board meetings, each Trustee commits to serving as Worship Associate once a year, and to writing an article to be published in the Weekly Digest.  Every year, as a group, the Board leads one Sunday service, conducts the annual Congregational Meeting, and holds two Congregational discussions at which it welcomes questions and feedback.

For more information email

Settled Minister Search Team


Settled Minister Search Team 2023-2024

The Search Team is appointed by the Board of Trustees when required to conduct a search for a new minister.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is a permanently established committee, appointed by the Board of Trustees, which advises the Board of Trustees on the financial affairs of the Congregation.

Meeting Times: Quarterly, or as needed.

Time Commitment: Members serve a term of three years.

For more information email

Nominating Committee (NomCom) 

The Nominating Committee identifies a slate of candidates to serve on the Board of Trustees, as Treasurer, and on the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee functions independently of the Board of Trustees

Meeting Times: Once a month starting in January; 2-3 times per month closer to June as needed to prepare for the June Congregational Meeting.

Time Commitment: 0-2 hours a week in committee meetings plus talking with members about serving.

For more information email

Committee for Ministry (CFM)

The Committee For Ministry (CFM) works to ensure the Congregation is healthy and thriving by fostering empowerment, responsibility, and connection. The committee identifies the needs of the Congregation using interviews and surveys of the minister, the major committees and teams, and the Board of Trustees. CFM assesses how well those needs are being met, identifies areas in need of improvement, and assists in developing plans for making positive change.

Meeting Times: Once a month, usually on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. for one to two hours.

Time Commitment: The six members serve three-year terms.

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